How to watch Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, and YouTube on Apple TV

*Cable cord-cutters unite! This is how we take charge of our show-watching experience! I have never paid for cable television. For years, I survived on broadcast networks and DVDs. With Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, and YouTube on Apple TV, I am fully satisfied with my TV, movie, and entertainment choices. And, I get to choose when I watch, instead of having to follow a programmed schedule. If you are a cable cord-cutter, or you just like having the extra streaming services around, Apple TV makes it easy for you to watch the movies and shows you want, when you want. This post assumes that you already have a subscription to Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, or a YouTube account. How to watch Netflix on Apple TV How to watch Hulu on Apple TV How to watch HBO Now on Apple TV How to watch YouTube on Apple TV How to watch Netflix on Apple TV Netflix offers a huge selection of blockbuster hit movies, as well as entire seasons of popular TV shows at least a year after they are first broadcast. You ma...

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