Earlier on Saturday, we told you that this is the season for Apple iPhone 6 leaks. Now, we might have just seen the best series of photos to date, showing off the upcoming device. And the best news of all, is that Apple has apparently made the next iteration of its iconic smartphone, waterproof. More on that later. The pictures you will find below, resemble the image of the Apple iPhone 6 dummy tweeted last week by Sonny Dickson. And that includes the home button with the gold colored ring.
Holding on tightly to that grain of salt you're taking this story with, you can see photos showing ...
from PhoneArena http://ift.tt/1sfDHSj
Holding on tightly to that grain of salt you're taking this story with, you can see photos showing ...
from PhoneArena http://ift.tt/1sfDHSj
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