Qualcomm Vuforia gets Smart Terrain vision, demoed in new mobile app

Qualcomm introduced its Vuforia Augmented reality technology few years back and demoed some applications based on it. The Qualcomm Vuforia would get a new Smart Terrain feature with Vuforia 3.0 SDK, a 3D reconstruction capability. The Vuforia object recognition technology would also be available soon to select developers in a beta program. The new Smart Terrain feature for smartphones and tablets would let users create their own play space where game characters interact with the physical world so that the characters can navigate around, collide with and jump over objects in the user’s environment. The new feature would be implemented in the new McDonald’s GOL! app. It is a new virtual trick-shot challenge soccer game developed by Trigger and DDB Chicago that enables digital gameplay within real-world environments. McDonald’s would introduce new artwork on the French fry boxes in several countries to celebrate the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This would let you unlock a new Augmented Reality (AR) app that will reward customers with an engaging, virtual trick-shot challenge. One you scan the artwork, a futbol pitch will appear in an AR scene on the screen, with the fry box as the goal and other built-in objects as obstacles. You need ...

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