Here's what our readers are saying about the new HTC One

Here's what our readers are saying about the new HTC One

The HTC One (M8) has been a hit with critics: Our own Brad Molen calls it "a great smartphone that does a lot of fantastic things," while Laptop Magazine goes so far as to say it's "the best Android phone on the market." But now that the M8 has hit all four major carriers in the US and has had a chance to stretch its legs out in the wild, how has it fared in long-term, day-to-day usage? To find out, we turn to user reviews, written by erudite Engadget readers like yourself, and they certainly haven't held anything back.

The M8 scored top marks in the design department, with Mokaky saying he was "amazed by the elegant design and the superior construction of the device," while jaredvillhelm tells us that "people double take when they see the phone in my hand." However, though many users called the handset "beautiful," a few also brought up the M8's slippery nature. Indeed, MaroonR says, "Yes, the phone looks fantastic. However, if you're trying to use it with one hand in the car, you're probably going to drop it. The sides are really skinny, and the back doesn't do much to help you grip it."

MaroonR was pleased with the Sense UI, though, telling us, "The Sense gestures on this are really great -- the phone is tall, so some might have trouble reaching the power button; a double tap turns the screen on. Great!" AhmadAAziz calls it "snappy, intuitive and very simple to use." The camera also got quite a workout from our users, with JonSilver admitting, "I was nervous about the camera, but for posting/sharing to social media/text/email, the camera is great. The software effects (UFocus, etc.) are nice too." And jaredvillhelm concurs, telling us, "If I wanted ultra clear camera shots, I'd buy a fancy Nikon; for my everyday quick pictures, I'm more than satisfied with this camera."

While professional reviewers do their best to gauge battery life on a phone, the real measure of how well it performs only comes after months of regular use, and jpspiderman says, "The battery on the phone has been lasting me about 36 to 30 hours with moderate use (moderate meaning movies, musics, phone calls and gaming). It's living up to the hype of long battery life without the constant worrying of the phone dying in the middle of the day." Mokaky agrees, saying, "it completes the day with me... no need to carry the charger again."

The best part of reading user reviews is seeing how a product affects the lives of everyday users. AhmadAAziz finds it useful at work, saying, "Sometimes I have to make a phone call from a factory's production yard, with all machinery running, and the in-call sound clarity is awesome." Others have had trouble keeping their phones out of the hands of others, with MaroonR noting that, "People will want to touch it, so be prepared to wipe it clean now and again," while phlogiston says, "I like my wife's iPhone, but it says something about the HTC One when she keeps trying to trade phones with me (I am not making that up)."

HTC One M8 user score

So it looks like users love the HTC One (M8) as much as, if not more than, the critics did. If you'd like to tell us how you feel about the M8, it's as simple as clicking the "write a review" button on the page, where you'll be taken to a simple review form.

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