Good God, Someone's Selling a 99-Pack of Beers

Because everything is bigger in Texas, an Austin brewery has made a 99 pack of beers for 99 bucks. Ninety-nine beers, in one case. God bless America.

In each massive case—you'll need two, possibly three people to carry the whole thing—you will find 99 cans of Austin Beerworks' Anytime Ale. But getting one of these two by four-sized packs is a little bit more complicated; you have to follow Austin Beerworks on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all the nitty gritty (and likely worth it) details on how to buy this excessive beer log. Austin Beerworks says details on purchasing will be going out later this week, with shipments starting on Thursday.

Even if you have no intention on buying a 99 pack, you have to be in awe of this feat of engineering. You could do the limbo under one of these things. [Austin Beerworks]

Good God, Someone's Selling a 99-Pack of Beers

from Gizmodo

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