Apple's iPhone and wearables event liveblog!

September is a month synonymous with the beginning of autumn, but it's also become associated with something else entirely: The iPhone. Today, we're in attendance at the Flint Center in Cupertino to hear about the latest products and updates from Apple, and we're expecting at least four new devices (two iPhones and two wearables). Join us at this space beginning at 1pm ET on September 9th, because we'll be liveblogging the event and bringing you the latest updates as it happens. Should be a long and intense event, so make sure you bookmark this page and come back for it all!

September 9, 2014 1:00:00 PM EDT

Greetings, people of the internet! It's iPhone (and iWatch?) day, and I, Michael Gorman, alongside Brad Molen and Zach Honig will be bringing you all the action today.

I and Brad will be tickling the keys this morning, whilst Mr. Honig will be hitting you with the images you crave.

Folks are still filing in, but we should be getting started here soon. What do y'all think we'll see? Get at me @Numeson and Brad @phonewisdom on Twitter.

Aaaaaand, here we go! Lights dimmed, and we're watching a promo video.

It's talking about relentless optimism, change, doing things differently. I sense a theme.

Another way. A bigger way. One that lifts up humanity, breaks down barriers and heals the landscape.

And Tim Cook is on stage. Thundering applause!

All sorts of optical illusions being used in the video thanks to perspective shifts and creative shooting. Nifty stuff, Apple.

"Welcome! Those words mean a great deal to us. We hope they mean something to you."

"It is great to be back in the Flint Center."

"As you know, we're just down the road from Apple's birthplace. We've had some amazing history here. Some of the most important product intros in Apple's history on this stage."

And it's great to be here (for the first time, personally) with you. Tim.

Tim's talking about 30 years ago, when Steve Jobs introduced the Macintosh to the world.

And the iMac.

"Today, we have some amazing products to share with you. And we think at the end of the day, that you will agree that this too is a very key day for Apple."

Wow, Tim's not going to do the usual updates today! "Everything's great!"

There's a lot to cover, apparently.

We'll be the judge of that, right folks?

So first we're going to hear about iPhone.

Last year Apple announced two iPhones for the very first time. Tim's bragging that it's the number one smartphone in the world.

With 98 percent customer satisfaction.

"The original iPhone set the bar for which the category would forever be defined. And for every iPhone that followed, we built upon the vision and pushed further and enlarged what the iPhone could be. "

This is the biggest advancement in the history of iPhone. (Well, yeah, every new iPhone is the biggest and most advanced, right?)

Time to show them off! With a video.

Uh oh. Ominous music.

Looking at the edge of the new iPhone. So far, it looks exactly like the leaked photos.


Two different sizes!

Same home button at the bottom. Power button on the right side, volume rockers on the left.

It's the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus!

"I hope you'll agree that they're the best phones you've ever seen. "

Phil Schiller is coming on stage now to tell us about them.

"I'm honored to be the one to tell you about the new iPhones. Their design is like nothing ever before. Incredibly unique. The glass front, the curves around the side, to meet seemlessly with the aluminum back."

These are a next-gen Retina display.

sRGB-accurate, with ultrathin backlight, photo-aligned IPS liquid crystal, improved polarizer, ion-strengthened glass.

It's called Retina Display HD.

Nice mention of the leaks there, by Phil. "In case you didn't already know," the screens are 4.7 and 5.5 inches.

The Plus will come with double-paned landscape view.

They're both thin; 6.9mm for the 6, 7.1mm for the Plus.

You can also see the springboard in landscape mode on the Plus.

If you double-touch the Touch ID button, everything moves down to the lower half of the screen. Then you tap again and it'll move right back to the full-screen mode.

So that's the one-handed mode for the larger screen.

Now talking about apps, with 1.3 million apps in the App Store now.

The Xcode software now takes advantage of the new displays. But what about the legacy apps? "They just work."

There's a desktop-class scaler to take advantage of the different sizes.

Phil's showing the CNN site, which works horizontally in landscape mode.

"That doesn't come close to telling the story to why these are the best phones ever made."

New generation A8 chip, 2 billion transistors and 64-bit support. It's a 20nm process.

It's a 13 percent smaller chip than the A7.

It boasts 25 percent faster CPU performance.

The A8 is 50 times faster than the original iPhone.

(By the way, we're having some connectivity issues. We're working on getting some pics online for you.)

It's up to 50 percent more energy efficient than the last-gen chip.

The A8 can drive performance for a longer sustained period of time, such as when you're gaming.

(Compared to lower performance over time with other chips.)

"Traditionally, 3D chips are made with OpenGL. But it comes with a performance penalty, a lot of overhead." With Apple's Metal platform, you don't have that problem.

Tons of game developers are on board.

Epic, Ubisoft, Gameloft, EA, Disney and Super Evil MegaCorp, among dozens of others.

Super Evil co-founder Stephan Sherman is coming on stage to show off his games.

Vain Glory is a multiplayer battle arena.

You play a unique character with unique abilities. Plant seeds to grow onions that like to dance.

This is the most popular game genre in the world. Vain Glory brings this gaming experience to iOS.

It's like capture the flag, but with crystals. The game uses Metal.

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