Nexus 9 Benchmarked: As Powerful As A 2012 Mac Pro

Nexus 9 Benchmarked: As Powerful As A 2012 Mac Pro

The Nexus 9 won't officially ship until November 3rd, but that hasn't stopped one sneaking onto the official Geekbench rankings. With its ridiculous-sounding dual-64-bit CPU, it was always destined to be fast; but according to this, it's on par with a professional-level Mac Pro from a couple years ago. That's a little insane.

A cautionary reminder: benchmarks aren't everything! In the case of Geekbench, it's a measure of a couple of different things, including some number-crunching processor-heavy tasks, and memory tests. Benchmark numbers don't mean everything! But it is a decent indicator of how much a computer's guts are capable of.

With that in mind: the 'HTC Volantis' (read: Nexus 9) scored 1,903 in Geekbench. To put that in context: an entry-level 2012 Mac Pro, a machine designed for professional-level media editing and retailing for over a grand, scored a 1,925. Heck, my Macbook Air barely scrapes over the 2,000 mark. In tablet terms, that's nearly unheard of. The Nexus 10 that it's replacing scores 879, and in Geekbench world, double the score means double the performance. Even the year-old iPad Air only squeaks in at 1,085.

All this is just proof, in case you needed it, that tablets are rapidly catching up to all but the most powerful PCs in terms of processing power. Not only does that mean more capable multitasking, video streaming and the like, but it also opens the door for more advanced video-editing and photo-processing apps to come to tablets. Those have normally been the PC's citadel, one of the last remaining barriers to switching operating systems. When you throw in other productivity extras like the keyboard case that's launching alongside the Nexus 10, it's really no surprise that the tablet market is taking bite after bite out of the PC world. [Geekbench via Twitter]

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