Shooting Challenge: Cars on the Street

Shooting Challenge: Cars on the Street

It's fun to go to a dealership or car show and check out the cool rides. But it's even more gratifying to spot some beauty just casually parked out on the street. So for this week's Shooting Challenge, photograph a car you spot on the street.

The Challenge

Take a photo of a car you spot on the street. Probably, but not necessarily, parked.

The Technique

Our diesel-guzzling better halves over at Jalopnik published a very readable listicle on improving your car photography. You might be further inspired by their list of auto photographers to follow. But this week's challenge is less about presenting the automobile as a high octane beast of the pavement than it is slotting the everyday beauty poking out of its cracks. And in that regard, you might consult the composition of these car-focused Instagram accounts.

The Example

Our lead image, by flickr's Axion23, may be a bit of a cheat, since it was photographed at Cars and Coffee. But I dig the casual celebration of gorgeous imports juxtaposed against a very familiar suburban backdrop.

The Rules

1. Submissions need to be your own.

2. Photos must be taken this week.

3. Explain, briefly, the equipment, settings, technique and story behind shot.

4. Email submissions to, not me.

5. Include 970px wide image (200KB or less) AND a natively sized image in email. I know that your photo may not fall into those exact high rez dimensions, so whatever native resolution you're using is fine.

6. One submission per person.

7. Use the proper SUBJECT line in your email (more info on that below)

8. You agree to the Standard Contest Rules - though we DO accept non-US resident submissions.

9. If the image contains any material or elements that are not owned by you and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, and/or if any persons appear in the image, you are responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of the photograph, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the exhibition and use of the image in the manner set forth in these rules without additional compensation. If any person appearing in any image is under the age of majority in their state/province/territory of residence the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required on each release.

Send your best photo by Tuesday, October 14 at 10 AM Eastern to with "Car" in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs, and use a FirstnameLastnameCar.jpg (970px wide) and FirstnameLastnameCarWallpaper.jpg (2560px wide) naming conventions.

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