Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Peaceful and lovely Springfield turns by night into a creepy place in this collection of drawings by Tim Doyle. The work is from 2012 but it's so cool I couldn't resist sharing it with you.

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Simpson's Springfield turns creepy in these night illustrations

Tim Doyle is an illustrator and print-maker working out of Austin, Texas. Growing up in the suburban sprawl of the Dallas area, he turned inward and sullen, only finding joy in comic-books and television and video games.

You can follow Tim on Twitter, check out his work on his website , and buy his prints here.

This is part of a series in which we are featuring really cool 2D or 3D illustrations and animations. If you are an illustrator or animator with high quality work, please drop me a line here.

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