The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

I love Joe Forkan's The Lebowski Cycle, a series of oil paintings that uses frames of The Big Lebowski to reference artwork by classic painters like Caravaggio, Velázquez or David. I would like to have the one above—the last one of the series—made after The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Supper at Emmaus by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Baptism of Christ by Annibale Carracci.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After The Agony in the Garden by Annibale Carracci.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Sacred and Profane Love by Tiziano Vecelli, Titian.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After The Lamentation of Christ by Peter Paul Rubens and Giotto.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After The Raft of the Medusa by Jean-Louis André Théodore Géricault.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Ecce Homo by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Guercino.

The Big Lebowski painted after classic art works

After Portrait of Pablo de Valladolid by Diego Velazquez.

Joe Forkan is a Santa Ana-based painter who received his BFA in Studio Art from the University of Arizona in 1989, and his MFA in Painting from the University of Delaware in 2002. He is Professor of Art at California State University Fullerton, where he has taught since 2002.

You can follow him on his website and blog. You can also buy prints of his work here.

This is part of a series in which we are featuring interesting paintings. If you are a painter with high quality work, please drop me a line here.

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