This Is What The Next MS Office For Mac Might Look Like


This Is What The Next MS Office For Mac Might Look Like

Chinese site cnBeta has got its hands on some alleged screenshots of an upcoming refresh of Microsoft Office for Mac. Fans of improved productivity and enhanced workflow, your hour is nigh.

Assuming that the leaks are real (and c'mon, who could possibly be dull enough to Photoshop a fake version of Outlook), this hopefully indicates that an update to MS Office for OS X is on the way within the next few months. That wouldn't exactly be a surprise, given that Office for Mac last got updated in 2011, and is still using a user interface designed back when Nickelback was in the bestseller charts.

The actual changes to the software aren't that radical — going off the screenshots, the new version of Outlook conforms to Yosemite's simple, flat design language, with a UI that's a mash-up of Mac Mail and Outlook for Windows. CnBeta is also claiming that there'll be better support for cloud documents (again, not exactly a revelation what with Microsoft's push for OneDrive and Office365), integration with the Yosemite notification center, and a Retina-friendly display mode. [cnBeta via Redmond Pie]


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