The first true color image of comet 67P taken by the Rosetta spacecraft


The first true color image of comet 67P taken by the Rosetta spacecraft

Until now, all photos of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko have been in greyscale. According to a research paper that will be presented at the American Geophysical Union's 2014 Fall Meeting, you are looking at its first true color photo, taken with Rosetta's OSIRIS camera.

The reason why the image is blurred is because the comet moved between exposures, as a Reddit user showed by separating the RGB (Red, Gren, and Blue) channels in the composite color image and making this animated GIF:

The first true color image of comet 67P taken by the Rosetta spacecraft

Here's the same photo sharpened and color corrected, made by another Redditor:

The first true color image of comet 67P taken by the Rosetta spacecraft

For reference, this is a color photo of Mars taken by Rosetta's OSIRIS camera using the same multiple exposure technique:

The first true color image of comet 67P taken by the Rosetta spacecraft

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