This Hazmat Suit Peels Off Like a Big, Yellow, Ebola-Covered Glove


This Hazmat Suit Peels Off Like a Big, Yellow, Ebola-Covered Glove

Hazmat suits are great for keeping you safe from pesky things like ebola, but there's one difficult part that you just can't avoid: You have to take that suit off at some point. Infecting yourself (or others) with the very suit that's been protecting you is a real danger, which is why Johns Hopkins developed this breakaway suit that peels off in one piece like a rubber glove.

Most hazmat suits in use right now have multiple parts, which makes removing them an awkward and dangerous dance. This suit still requires some contortions to doff, but it's safer. Just peel off a pair of bands from under the arms, step on them, and stand up while the suit drops to your feet around you.

This is in its early stages but it's slated to receive federal funding for production from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). As well it should! It's a clever piece of design, and one that makes you wonder why we haven't been doing it like this the whole time. [Co.Design]


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