Which Countries Last the Longest Watching Porn (Damn, China!)


Which Countries Last the Longest Watching Porn (Damn, China!)

While barriers both geographical and linguistic separate us from our international brethren, there is one unifying language that needs no translation—that of porn. So in the spirit of healthy competition and exploration, the Pornhub stats team just released an interactive map to answer an age old question: Which states, cities, and countries keep it up the longest?

As you can see in the screen shot above, there's actually a pretty big disparity across international lines, with the speediest by far being Iraq at a zippy five minutes and 30 seconds. Cuba doesn't fall too far behind, at a sturdier (though still relatively fast) six minutes and 24 seconds. And, for whatever reason, our winner by a landslide is China at a near-superhuman 14 minutes and 34 seconds.

Which Countries Last the Longest Watching Porn (Damn, China!)

When you get down to the state level, though, there's a bit less diversity in our time ranges. Leisurely Hawaii comes out on top with a devil-may-care 11 minutes and 26 seconds, while Arizona clocks in at a mere 9 minutes and 21 seconds because meth or something. The important thing here, though, is that every one of us beat the entirety of Russia—USA!

To get the break down on a city-by-city level and to play around with the map for yourself, you can head on over to Pornhub here. [Pornhub]


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