Apple launches public beta program for would-be iOS testers


Yes, yes, iOS 8.2 was only released on Monday, but Apple's got you covered in case that's just not bleeding edge enough for you. After getting plenty of apparently helpful feedback during OS X Yosemite's public beta period over the summer, the company is (as expected) kicking off a public beta program for iOS, beginning with a non-final build of iOS 8.3 available to testers starting today.

We're not entirely sure when Apple flipped the switch on the program, but invites to selected users have been going out for at least a few hours now. Thing is, we're still not sure how exactly Apple's choosing who gets access (aside from choosing members of the existing OS X beta), or even how many people will get the nod from Cupertino. Back when this whole thing was just a rumor, it seemed as though only 100,000 people would get access to the program when it finally launched. Assuming you are lucky enough to get in, the installation process seems dead simple -- you'll install a special profile that instructs your phone to pull updates from a beta software channel and, well, that seems to be about it. Just be sure not to gush about your good fortune too publicly; this is only a public beta in that you don't have to be a developer to install these pre-release builds. Apple's still counting on you having enough discretion to keep word of juicy features and under your hat, though really, at least one of you isn't going to keep your mouth shut. Itching to try your luck? Can't say we blame you -- you can register on Apple's Beta Software site and keep your fingers crossed.

[Thanks, Scott!]

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