'Submerged' sidesteps combat for exploration on PS4 and Xbox One

In case you've already finished Journey and are looking for another gorgeous game that eschews violence, Submerged hits PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in early August. From the sounds of it, the game should be a pretty relaxing affair despite the fact that protagonist Miku is searching a flooded city for a cure for her wounded younger brother. A post on the PlayStation Blog notes that you can explore at your own pace and climb around as you see fit. And as you do, you'll uncover the tale of how the world came to be flooded and a tale of an equally destroyed family. The game gets its good looks thanks to the absurdly powerful Unreal Engine 4, and I'm feeling a bit of an Enslaved: Odyssey to the West vibe from it, myself.

PC and PS4 owners get the game on August 4th, and if you're a PlayStation Plus subscriber you'll snag a 20 percent discount at launch too. Folks playing on Xbox One, however. have to wait until August 7th before they can play.

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Source: Upper-Cut Games, PlayStation Blog

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