Twitch on Android can stream 'Hearthstone' while you play


Twitch loves Android. Following its persistent player that debuted on Google's mobile OS this past April, the game-broadcasting outfit's premiering a pop-out player window on the platform. Once popped, you can adjust the size at will and when you're done, go back to the app to find the next broadcast to jump into. The implications of such, as noted on the Twitch blog, are that you could effectively watch someone play Hearthstone while you play a game of it yourself. Yo dawg.

What's more, the outfit also recently announced that it's added more transcode servers. The idea behind that being it'll give broadcasters more flexibility for their shows, and viewers have the chance to choose the video quality that their connection can handle best. Twitch says that the plan is to make sure every one of its Partner streamers has the option available. Since it over-allotted the necessary hardware on its end, it's providing the transcode option to the "most popular" non-Partners. The company writes that this brings the viewership numbers necessary to gain access to the feature to an all-time low, but as the number of Partners and the service itself grows, that low number is going to increase. So! Maybe take this opportunity to grow your follower count and hopefully insulate yourself, Twitch streamers.

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Source: Twitch (1), (2)

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