Skype 6.0 brings revamped design to both iOS and Android


Skype users have ridden a rollercoaster of different designs over the years, and the latest version promises yet more change. Version 6.0 has been completely redesigned for both iOS and Android apps, which are now in lockstep with each other. For Google's ecosystem, the new layout took a page from the Android 5 "Material" playbook with circular icons and other touches. Other features include a floating action button to start new calls or chats (à la Facebook's Messenger), enhanced search and improved messaging. There are also custom ringtones, photo sharing and web link reviews to bring the app in line with rival messaging products like Google's Hangouts.

On the Apple side, Microsoft made similar visual tweaks and added swipe gestures for calls and messages. It's also easier to post photos, links and emoticons when you're on a video or voice call. Other tweaks include enhanced search, location info and other features you'd expect on a messaging system. The Skype iPad app has been completely revamped to take advantage of the larger screen, and now includes group calling to boot. Both the Android and iOS apps are now available, and as for Skype on Windows 10 Mobile, MIcrosoft said it's working hard on the next version and "we'll let you know when we have more to share."

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Source: Skype

Tags: Android, iOS, iPhone, microsoft, mobilepostcross, Skype, Skype 6.0

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