Security drone chases trespassers all on its own


After a long wait, Secom's security drone is ready for service... and it has a clever trick up its sleeve. The robot will not only capture photos of cars and people that wander on to forbidden grounds, but automatically chase them to get their faces and license plates on camera. While it won't be much help if the thieves know how to run -- it can't move faster than 6MPH -- it could make the difference between a usable photo and a shot of an empty parking lot.

You sadly can't get the Secom drone for personal use, but you might not mind when you see the price. The Japanese firm is asking ¥800,000 ($6,620) to get the drone, and ¥5,000 ($41) per month to keep the security service going. All the same, this is good news for guards who'd rather not make a mad dash to photograph someone when a flying machine could do the job.

Via: Kyodo News (YouTube), PCWorld

Source: Secom (translated)

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