Recommended Reading: Why can't we stream more black TV shows?


Why Are so Many Great
Black TV Shows Missing
From Streaming Services?

Alyssa Rosenberg,
The Washington Post

Streaming services are great for providing a seemingly endless supply of movies and television shows. However, there are a ton of notable black TV series missing from those subscription plans. If you're looking for The Jeffersons, Good Times, Living Single or Hangin' With Mr. Cooper, you'll be disappointed. The Washington Post's Alyssa Rosenberg set out to discover why that's the case.

Inside One of the World's Most Secretive iPhone Factories
Shai Oster, Bloomberg

Apple may have opened up a Shanghai iPhone factory in response to labor concerns, but other questions remain.

How to Become the Next Prince
Russ Bengtson, Complex

This piece from Complex takes a look at what made Prince so great, and how difficult it will be for someone attempting to fill those shoes.

What to Read After Watching Beyoncé's 'Lemonade'
Nichole Perkins, Fusion

Queen Bey's new album arrived with a striking visual component chock full of influences you won't see a lot folks discuss. As Fusion's Nichole Perkins puts it, "Lemonade is basically a video version of Black Feminist Lit 101."

A Lone Bullet's Long Toll
C.J. Chivers, New York Times Magazine

Ten years after being shot in the mouth in Iraq, Navy corpsman Dustin (Doc) Kirby is still recovering. Here's a look at his story and some of the tech that's being used to help him manage pain, speech and eating.

from Engadget
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